Notes for Owners and Renters

Welcome to our new website!

Here we will be providing owners and renters updated information in the current real estate market.  Our Facebook profile will contain regular and more frequently updated information, so we would love to have you follow us there as well!  If there is something that you would like to see here that would be useful, feel free to use the ‘Contact us’ button above to let us know.

Useful links:

Express Address:




Access Communications:

Tennant insurance : ,

If a life is in danger, call 9-1-1 immediately.

An emergency is a situation in which there is a current or imminent threat to personal safety or property from a common area source.

For all other emergencies not deemed life-threatening, please visit our Contact page or call the site supervisor immediately and follow their instructions. A detailed report may be filled out afterward for insurance purposes. Your cooperation with the report is required as part of the tenant/rental/unit management agreement.

While most corporations do not require owners to purchase their own insurance policies for their units, at GEM Management & Development, it is strongly recommended. As an owner, you will be well advised to consult with your insurance agent about getting condominium unit insurance. As a renter, we do require valid renters’ insurance.